What Are Liquid Colloidal Minerals?

mineral water

Liquid colloidal minerals have been somewhat shrouded in mystery. Many regular Americans know what minerals are but are not exactly sure what the term means. This information is very important to know since there are companies heralding these minerals as miracle cures and some watchdog organizations saying they're nothing else but scams. As with most things in life, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

Liquid Colloidal Minerals Facts


Somewhere in Utah around 1920, an ailing rancher named Thomas (T.J.) Clark was led to a spring by an Indian tribesman, and was given a drink of bitter tasting medicine water. Clark was completely cured after drinking the water and soon became determined to unlock the secret of this mysterious healing spring.Clark discovered that the source of the spring ran through a prehistoric forest preserved as a shale deposit. The ground the forest was in had a high concentration of minerals in the soil. When scientists analyzed the water, they found it to possess over 70 different minerals.

After the remarkable discovery, manufacturers bottled the miracle water and marketed it to the masses. Many claim the water can cure everything from cancer to infectious diseases simply by restoring essential minerals to the body. This practice continues until this very day.


So what exactly does liquid colloidal mean? Liquid colloidal minerals are very small particles suspended in a liquid solution. These types of minerals are seven to 10,000 times smaller than a red blood cell. This allows them to be very easily absorbed into the small intestine. Basically, liquid colloidal is a fancy name for mineral water.

Myths and Realities of Colloidal Minerals

Now almost everyone has heard of mineral water, but manufacturers market their liquid colloids with jargon such as "ionized minerals," and "energized particles." This market speak does not have much meaning since most mineral occur in nature as ions, making them "ionized." Also, all ions carry an either positive or negative charge meaning they're supposedly energized. Manufacturers also say that liquid colloids will "rebuild your bio-systems" and this sounds like quite a feat, but bio-systems simply refer to the processes everyone's bodies go through for maintenance. Parts of our body are continually torn down and rebuilt, regardless if liquid colloids are consumed.

Do They Really Work

While it's good to know what the market speak refers to, you're likely most interested in knowing whether these minerals are really all they claim to be. The answer to this question remains debatable. Conventional doctors say there is no need for mineral water, because science has proven that we can get all the minerals we need simply by eating a healthy balanced diet. Alternative health professionals argue that the soil our food is grown in is deficient in minerals because of over sowing the land and pesticide use. Thus, we need mineral water to supplement what we cannot obtain from inferior food.

Both sides do make a valid point and mineral water may be beneficial to some, but let's be real; it's not everything it claims to be and certainly not your only option for obtaining minerals. Almost every decent multivitamin also contains minerals, which would eliminate your need for mineral water. Furthermore, if you truly believe most foods are of lower quality then you can always buy organic - organic food is grown without the use of pesticides. This method would allow you to get all the minerals you need through food sources.

Additionally, there is just no way that mineral water is going to cure every single complex disease or ailment in every individual's body. While it may improve the health of some, there is far too much variation in people and diseases for anything to be a miracle cure all.

Where to Buy

With the above information being noted, you may wish to try liquid colloids in the hope that you may be one of the individuals to benefit. After all enthusiastic claims from users continue to support this growing industry. There also seems to be no risk in taking the minerals. Here are two retailers that sell the minerals:

This particular type of mineral supplement is not a cure all, but some may benefit from taking it. Since there is no risk in taking the supplement, there seems to be no harm in trying it if you'd like to.

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What Are Liquid Colloidal Minerals?